Italian design, high quality and eco-sustainability are the key themes for the
Ezio Foppapedretti project.
Ezio Foppapedretti project.
The Italian design and high quality are always strictly guaranteed, the result of Foppapedretti’s almost 80 years of experience in woodworking. But let’s not forget about eco-sustainability: we use fine european ash wood with water-based paint. Wood is always the indisputable star of the show, expertly processed to create our products with an extremely elegant and exclusive look, as well as lasting over time. Quality is everything: it is the result of an accurate and transparent production process.
This collection is made with FSC®-certified wood (License Code FSC-C004369).
The FSC® Chain of Custody certification provides a guarantee that the FSC®-certified products are composed of material that comes from well-managed FSC®-certified forests, from recycled materials and other controlled sources.
This collection is made with FSC®-certified wood (License Code FSC-C004369).
The FSC® Chain of Custody certification provides a guarantee that the FSC®-certified products are composed of material that comes from well-managed FSC®-certified forests, from recycled materials and other controlled sources.
We have always had the deepest respect for wood: since 1945, we have known how to select it to enhance the natural features that make it unique. We respect it as we only use wood coming from certified geographical areas and from forests with controlled reforestation: creating quality products that last a lifetime and leaving time for the new plant to grow. In fact, for wood, high quality raw materials and workmanship become synonymous with ecology. While we are still carpenters, we now process the wood with sophisticated technologies that can carry out precision operations to the highest quality standards, in compliance with environmental requirements. The operating process involves quality control in all its phases: technology at the highest level, but without forgetting the craftsmanship that has distinguished the brand for nearly 80 years.
We have always had the deepest respect for wood: since 1945, we have known how to select it to enhance the natural features that make it unique. We respect it as we only use wood coming from certified geographical areas and from forests with controlled reforestation: creating quality products that last a lifetime and leaving time for the new plant to grow. In fact, for wood, high quality raw materials and workmanship become synonymous with ecology. While we are still carpenters, we now process the wood with sophisticated technologies that can carry out precision operations to the highest quality standards, in compliance with environmental requirements. The operating process involves quality control in all its phases: technology at the highest level, but without forgetting the craftsmanship that has distinguished the brand for nearly 80 years.
Our ecological commitment is not just limited to wood. In our factories, we use non-toxic water-based paint. This is a choice that requires a lot of commitment from an economic point of view, but which guarantees considerable advantages for the external and working environment: a drastic reduction in harmful emissions into the environment, extreme safety for the operators in charge, a guarantee of non-toxicity for the consumer, and the recovery and reintegration of paint residues.
What’s more, the air inside the factories is constantly ventilated, filtered to remove dust particles and fed back into the production environment. Finally, all the wood offcuts, chips and sawdust are recovered, crushed and put through a very elaborate process to be reused as fuel to heat all the factories and offices and to supply some of the production plants.
The wood is now increasingly used alongside other innovative materials. A team of engineers and designers is constantly committed to creating projects and inventions, selecting new materials and industrialising new prototypes. The fundamental design characteristics are usability, safety, strength and foldability: in a word, functionality. Together with total quality, safety has always been the first objective: all our products comply with European Union standards.
What’s more, the air inside the factories is constantly ventilated, filtered to remove dust particles and fed back into the production environment. Finally, all the wood offcuts, chips and sawdust are recovered, crushed and put through a very elaborate process to be reused as fuel to heat all the factories and offices and to supply some of the production plants.
The wood is now increasingly used alongside other innovative materials. A team of engineers and designers is constantly committed to creating projects and inventions, selecting new materials and industrialising new prototypes. The fundamental design characteristics are usability, safety, strength and foldability: in a word, functionality. Together with total quality, safety has always been the first objective: all our products comply with European Union standards.
L'impegno ecologico non si limita al legno. Nei nostri stabilimenti, utilizziamo la verniciatura atossica ad acqua. Una scelta che impegna molto l’azienda dal punto di vista economico, ma che garantisce notevoli vantaggi per l’ambiente esterno e di lavoro: riduzione drastica delle emissioni nocive in ambiente, estrema sicurezza per gli operatori addetti, garanzia di atossicità per il consumatore, recupero e reintegro dei residui di vernice.
Inoltre, l’aria all’interno degli stabilimenti viene continuamente aspirata e, mediante il recupero delle polveri, filtrata e reimmessa nell’ambiente produttivo. Infine, tutti gli scarti di legno, trucioli e segati vengono recuperati, frantumati e, mediante un processo molto elaborato, riutilizzati come combustibile per il riscaldamento di tutti gli stabilimenti, gli uffici e l’alimentazione di alcuni impianti di produzione.
Inoltre, l’aria all’interno degli stabilimenti viene continuamente aspirata e, mediante il recupero delle polveri, filtrata e reimmessa nell’ambiente produttivo. Infine, tutti gli scarti di legno, trucioli e segati vengono recuperati, frantumati e, mediante un processo molto elaborato, riutilizzati come combustibile per il riscaldamento di tutti gli stabilimenti, gli uffici e l’alimentazione di alcuni impianti di produzione.
The wood is now increasingly used alongside other innovative materials. A team of engineers and designers is constantly committed to creating projects and inventions, selecting new materials and industrialising new prototypes. The fundamental design characteristics are usability, safety, strength and foldability: in a word, functionality. Together with total quality, safety has always been the first objective: all our products comply with European Union standards.